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Bengali Physicist..

                                        Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri

          Look at the smile, this simplicity was one of famous remark of Bengali astronomer  Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri. In the late 1920, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. Such a universe was in fact predicted by Einstein's theory of Gravity. But from many years after the discovery, only very simple model could be studied.These model assume that universe is homogeneous and isotropic.These model predicted that the universe arose from a singular state of infinite density and infinitely strong gravity. Among relativists working on this problem across the world, was a young researcher in Kolkata, Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri. His Seminal work showed how  a complex universe which was not the same at all points which rotate it and had sharing motions could be studied.

Raychaudhuri's equation provided a simple way to describe these  complexities and the equation has been used by Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose and others to show that singularities are endemic to Einstein's theory. This equation will stand firm untill Einstein framework for Gravity stands. Though Prof. A.K.Raychaudhuri received international recognition for his work and continue to make pioneering contributions to gravitational theory and Cosmology, he remained relatively unknown outside the scientific world . This is his story. Besides Physics I will tell you a story what made Prof A.K Raychaudhuri a great Professor .


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