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Untold Love Story

              I am thinking to write something but I don't know who will read my this writing. Even I don't know anyone either read or not. But I want to write.There are no one with whom I can speak and with whom I can share my story and pain. So I just send this to some unknown address. I don't know if in future, anyone read my this writing just at the end of some sleepless night just write few words for me. Three will be few grammatical mistake because I just want to share my feelings. 

I never think in my life , I will ever fall in love. Form my childhood, I always kept myself busy in study. I loved to learn and read a lots. I loves to read historical books and I love to listen music.This all about me. Like all other kid , I also came to know about a fantasy world. But I controlled myself every time because I always believe , I have a lots of thing to do. I have always a faith on me, I came in this world to do something else. I just don't want to live a simple life. I love to learn. So I never feel anything till when I was 20 years old. But you know always for everyone always something wait. For me also something wait.

Okay now let's me introduce myself, I am Haradhan Adhikary. I am working in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) sitting in Geneva, Switzerland. Whole world fighting against COVID-19 pandemic.
Yes you are right this my own life story. Believe me once I also fall in love. Really I also loved someone more than I can do. I always tried to feel her presence with me. Her every presence was very very valuable for me. I was a such kind a boy who can't remember anything. I never can't remember any date. But I can remember her each and every word what she pronounced. May be you think. This boy is crazy ! Who can do like this. Is all this true? Yes my friend , this is all my story which I can't share with anyone even I can't share whom I loved like a mad.
Yes I was such a stupid boy who forget , he came from a small village. Who promised to change his village. He promised to himself, he will do something else. He was focused about his future but you know always miracle happen. 

Some miracle happened with me also, when first time I saw her in Delhi University Physics laboratory. She was awesome. First time I came out of Kolkata. Before that I never spend a single day with any girl before that. In my childhood , my first so called crush passed away by blood cancer. She was my violin partner. We learnt and stage performed violin together . After she passed away, I never think any girl for a single moment. I left violin also after she passed away. But that moment, when I saw her in Lab at that moment I fall in love for her. I didn't know who was she. I even don't know about her name also. But I feel yes she was the one for whom I waiting so long. 

Now you are really think, this boy is mad. Who do like this ? But believe me it was spontaneous. When she asked my name? Her voice was so soft , how can I explain that. I came to know her name. Her name is Evana Islam.May be you are thinking I am telling lie, right ?  How this will be possible in India. A Hindu brambhin  boy can fall in love with a Muslim girl? But believe me when I fall in love , I even don't know about her at all. I only feel , yes she is . But even I don't know what to do.

Now time passes, we become friend. We started our conversation via email. Yeah I was back-dated. But I feel, we wanted talk. I installed Whatsapp. She herself send friend requested in Facebook. She her self started conversation in Whatsapp. Initially we talked about study. She was very studious student. But apart from study our conversation started. I felt like, I lived in a new world. I never felt like that. Then our conversation went beyond study. She started to asked about my life. She wanted to know about me. But I never tried to know about me. Because I was afraid , if someone there in her life. Then my all dream will dies so soon. But I never wanted to know about her.

I studied in Rama Krishna Mission, I never believe in any religion. So there are no problem when I came to know that she is Muslim. But always I afraid about her concept of religion. Till then I didn't know about her thinking of religion. But we came to know each other day by day. My every morning started with her good wishes and I slept after getting her Good Night message. I don't know , how this thing become my habits. Sometimes just to see her, I waiting on the side of the road. She never came to know this. Sometimes, I was madly waiting for her message. Now you are thinking, I am really mad na? But believe me ,it was spontaneous. It was my first untold love. 

In this way, my story started. Day by day we are become good friend. We started to share our every day's all incident. One day she asked , can we study together ? I was astonished. I was a very common Bengali boy. I can't speak Hindi or English properly. How she can granted me as her friend with whom she wanted to spend time with me.


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Untold Love Story

              I am thinking to write something but I don't know who will read my this writing. Even I don't know anyone either read...

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